You can find photos and pictures using Pexels and Wikimedia Commons.
- Visit
- Write the word. i.e. Giraffe
- Click on 🔎
- Select your favourite image and click on 'Descargar'
↑ Step 2
↑ Step 4
Wikimedia Commons
- Visit Wikimedia Commons
- Write the word in the search box. i.e. Tiger
- Select and click on your favourite photo
- Click on the mouse secondary button and choose 'Guardar imagen como..." to save your image.
↑ Step 1 and 2
↑ step 3
↑ step 4
Lectura facilitada
Puedes encontrar fotos e imágenes usando Pexels y Wikimedia Commons
- Visit
- Write the word. i.e. Giraffe
- Click on 🔎
- Select your favourite image and click on 'Descargar'
Wikimedia Commons
- Visit Wikimedia Commons
- Write the word in the search box. i.e. Tiger
- Select and click on your favourite photo
- Click on the mouse secondary button and choose 'Guardar imagen como..." to save your image.